This page is dedicated to making available contemporaneous information relevant to the subject of Sustainability & ESG to the members of the Chamber on a timely and continuous basis. As decided in the meeting of the Executive Committee, it would be the endeavour of the Chamber to collect information that is already available in the public domain as well as articles written by the members on subjects in their respective fields of specialisation for uploading on the website.


The following is to be noted:

  1. The Chamber is not responsible for the veracity of the contents of the publications.
  2. The Chamber has a procedure established for screening the contents especially from the point of view of copyright and the integrity of the source material.
    Any material contributed by the members will also be put through a screening process prior to being uploaded on the website.
  3. The published material is for own use and not to be commercially exploited.
  4. Credit is given to the source of the publications. In the case of articles sourced from the public domain, the header of the subject matter is the source and the month of the publication as in the following cases:
    (i) ‘The Chartered Accountant’ is the official publication of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI);
    (ii) ‘Chartered Secretary’ is the official publication of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI); and
    (iii) ‘The Management Accountant’ is the official publication of the Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICMAI).
  5. Publications other than the above will be specified in future when included in the web folder.
  6. Articles contributed by members will be attributed to the members concerned with credit being given.

It is the earnest wish of the Executive  Committee that the new initiative will enrich the knowledge-base of the members and will in turn inspire the members to become contributors thus enhancing the value of dissemination of knowledge.

The sprinkling of articles referred below have been selected in order to bring the members (those who are new to the subject) current about the developments till date on the subject of Sustainability & ESG. From now on the material published will concentrate on current developments.